Friday, January 9, 2009

Celebrity Sighting

Nashville is a really cool town to live in. The vibe of the city is very trendy -- reminds me a bit of Austin, with all the music influence. It's a city, but still has a bit of small town feel. Maybe a Fort Worth without Dallas? But by far, one of the greatest things about Nashville is the celebrity sightings. I've had a few since I've been here, but they have mostly been at work, not just out & about in the city. (I'm not counting College GameDay in this either...that was an intentional sighting.)
But tonight, I hit the jackpot. I went to see "Bride Wars" with some girlfriends. (Sidenote: It's hilarious! Go see it with your girlfriends!) We were standing in line to get our tickets, and who walks past? KEITH URBAN & NICOLE KIDMAN! Even here in Nashville, where celebrity sightings are the norm, there's something different about seeing them than any other celebrity. Probably because Nicole is a movie star, not just another country singer. She is strikingly beautiful, even with her hair thrown up in a messy bun. And once you get past looking at her, you see just how hot Keith really is.
So tonight definitely is up there on my best Nashville moments list. And I'll always remember the date too because it's my mom's birthday.



Unknown said...

Lucky you! I only get to visit Nashville for Fan Fest (that's the only name I will accept! hehe) and have only had minor celebrity sightings. My ultimate would be Keith and Nicole ;-)

Natrudy said...

That's so not fair. I don't even like you anymore.

arica said...

You know you love me, Natalie. Just admit it.

Sabrina said...

i'm still super jealous that you saw them. i mean, wow.